I have a confession to make.
About eight years ago, when WWE Smackdown was in California, I learned a very valuable lesson from our own Hustler De Tuti Hustlers Paul Heyman.
I know, the lesson must have employed an insane logic, and admittedly, it did. But please follow along anyway.
A lot of people were at this swanky Hollywood party, and I was in college at the time. Yes, I was once a bar back in Hollywood. So there’s this rather legendary porn queen at the party, and everyone is walking up to her and commenting on her rather noticeable assets.
No one is scoring. Not even the women.
So I’m standing next to Paul, and I say “Ice Princess, huh?”
He turns to me, and says “same ol’ lines. Never work. Try something different. Tell her you like her socks. Hey, at least it’s something she has to think through, not give the automatic See Ya Later, right?”
Well, six months later, the porn star and I broke up.
I owe that heartbreak to Paul. And I will forever be indebted to him for those six wild crazy months. I will never forget the lesson he taught me. Will you?
OK, then answer my question.
What color are Taylor Wane‘s socks?
We’re HustleTweeting about Taylor Wane‘s socks, and you’re more than welcome to join the conversation by following the Hustle on Twitter HERE or by hitting LIKE on our hyper-interactive Facebook page HERE!