The Death Star has taken over the virtual reality universe. Cue Darth Vader‘s music. In 2016, Industrial Light & Magic animation studio announced the...
Cinematic POV of the mysterious rift/cube event #Fortnite — Fortnite News | (@LootLakeBR) August 24, 2018 Fortnite loves a damn good conversation...
Epic Games has confirmed that the Android version of the game will be available exclusively through the Fortnite website. This, of course, has proven...
EXCLUSIVE FOR THE HEYMAN HUSTLE! Universal Champion Brock Lesnar and his Advocate, Paul Heyman present spoilers for this Sunday’s WWE Royal Rumble pay per...
In a move that brings the esports world closer and closer to the forefront, esports infrastructure company ReKTGlobal has acquired Steve Aoki‘s Las Vegas–based...
When Barry Diller talks, the entire entertainment business listens. And everyone should listen. The IAC chairman has a decades-long track record of staying ahead...